Phnom Penh: Monday, 7th of September 2020 – Miracles Worldwide, together with Himawari Hotel Apartments and public donor donation 20 tons of rice to Les Restaurants Des Enfans – LRDE.
It’s a privilege to support Miracle World Wide to raise funds for the rice to LRDE to feed children who scavenge. So far, Himawari has raised 10 tons, and MWW also raised 10 tons. Himawari has donated 0.5 tons and raised the remaining 9.5 tons from our generous and strong support and contributions of our supportive and generous donors from Singapore and locals alike.
Mr. Andrew Tay, Director of Himawari Hotel Apartments, said, “I want to thank and encourage LRDE to continue their fantastic work in making a difference to our Cambodian scavenger children’s lives, ensuring that they’re fully fed and grow properly. Proper and sufficient nutrients are so essential in helping with their growth. Besides that, LRDE also encourages the children to go to school, giving them an incentive such as pocket money and tracking their academic performance. It is fundamental to help our needy children to have a better future later in life”.
He added more, “I want to encourage our children who have been blessed by LRDE to work hard, go to school, and work towards a brighter future. I also hope the children’s parents fulfill their parents’ responsibilities and ensure their children are cared for”.
It’s the first time for Himawari to donate and raise funds for rice at a larger scale. Himawari has been donating rice at a smaller scale to Kolap4 orphanage through Family Care Cornerstone Project almost every year.
Himawari has been doing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for many years to help the Cambodian community and help spread God’s love and share his word. Himawari’s CSR program set up St John Phnom Penh organization and the organization under the patronage by our Sovereign Head of the Order of St John, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, to provide first aid training and pubic duty to our community, vocational training institute such as Project Khmer Hope in Kompong Speu. So far, have a team of 100 volunteers from St John, and have trained in Phnom Penh and the provinces. Besides that, St John also donates wells to different provinces. So far, I have donated 50 over wells in several provinces.
Photo by: Sakura Engly