PHNOM PENH: Plan International Cambodia is organising the launch workshop of “WeProtection Project (WEPP)” on August 12, 2024, at the Himawari Hotel. The launching is presided over by H.E. Chea Somethy, Minister of Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation, Chairman of Cambodia National Council for Children, with the participation of around 100 people representing Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), Cambodia National Council for Children (CNCC), National Child Protection Commission, Chairwomen of Provincial Women and Children Consultative Committee (PWCCC) from Siem Reap, Ratanak Kiri, and Stung Treng Provinces, Provincial, District, and Commune authorities, Provincial Health Department, development partners and non-government organizations, and youth and children. The workshop aims to formally
introduce the “WeProtection Project” to all key concerned stakeholders for effective engagement in project implementation.
According to Cambodia Demographic Health Survey (CDHS), 2021–2022, about three in every five children (59%, 55.2% boys and 51.6% girls) experience some form of psychological aggression. 43% of children experienced physical punishment, and 5% experienced severe physical punishment. Violence against children comes into the hands of the people they trust—their parents or caregivers, teachers, peers, and neighbours. Violent discipline is socially accepted and commonly practiced, and 27% of adult respondents believe that a child needs physical punishment to be raised or educated properly, which puts boys and girls at higher risk of different forms of violence.
Mrs. Gwynneth Wong, Country Director of Plan International Cambodia, explained that many Cambodian LGBTIQ individuals identify by gender norms rather than sexual orientation. According to the report 2021 of the Rainbow organization, 25% lack self-trust due to their identity, 20% experienced discrimination to get a job, and 82% experienced discrimination in public.
“In Cambodia, 19% of girls and 6% of boys are married before the age of 18 and 1.8% are married before the age of 15 in 2022, and that child early and forced marriage and unions are often linked with early adolescent pregnancy,” explained Gwynneth. “9% of internet-using children reported that they had shared naked images or videos of themselves online, often due to threats or pressures.”
To address these issues, Plan International Cambodia is implementing a 3-year “WeProtection Project” in cooperation with both government and civil society organizations, including the Cambodia Nation Council for Children (CNCC), Khmer Youth Association (KYA), Phnom Srey Organization for Development (PSOD), Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO), and Health Action Coordinating Committee (HACC). The project aims at supporting children, adolescents, and young women—including two-spirit people, LGBTIQ people, and children left behind—to live free from all forms of violence, control their lives and bodies, transform the harmful gender norms that lead to violence and inequalities, and build resilience to climate change.
Gwynneth informed that the project has four expected outcomes:
1) Empowerment of Youth: We aim to enhance the knowledge, skills, and confidence of children, adolescents, and young women aged 12–24, enabling them to actively participate in realizing their right to protection, make informed decisions about their sexuality, and control their bodies and lives.
2) Community Transformation: We seek to work with parents, caregivers, and community leaders to transform gender and social norms, behaviors, and relationships. This transformation will strengthen prevention and response to all forms of violence and harmful practices while promoting gender equality.
3) Strengthened Protection Systems: Our goal is to improve the capacity of community-based protection groups and formal actors to provide gender-transformative and inclusive prevention, response, and referral services that are age-appropriate;
4) Policy and Legislative Advocacy: We are committed to working closely with the Royal Government of Cambodia to enhance legislative and policy frameworks, as well as budgets for protection systems and gender-responsive sexual and reproductive health services.

“Over 3 years, the “WeProtection Project” will support more than 18,000 children, adolescents, and young women aged under 18 years old, youth aged from 18 to 24 years old, LGBTIQ+ children, and adolescent and young women with disabilities to live free from all forms of violence and take control of their lives and bodies.” continued Gwynneth.
The project will be implemented in 118 villages, 24 communes, and 11 districts in Siem Reap, Ratanak Kiri, and Stung Treng Provinces. “Through this workshop, Plan International Cambodia hopes that all participants from government, civil society, and youth stakeholders will collaborate well from the subnational to the national level for the success of project implementation in the best interest of the children and youth,” added Gwynneth.
Photo by: Plan International Cambodia