Phnom Penh: Rock Climbing is not only a sport where we train to compete, it also is a sport that is closely linked to Eco tourism in Cambodia.
Rock climbing sports can also be played through the creation of artificial climbing walls. The premier place to play Rock Climbing in Siem Reap is Angkor Climbers Net built in 2010. In Phnom Penh, the premier facility is the Phnom Climb Community Gym, featuring the biggest artificial climbing wall in the city.

In this sport we focus on playing with nature and Eco-tourism, especially in the mountains. Activities such as Abseiling, Tree Climbing, Bouldering and Rock Climbing are an exciting and engaging tourist sport. The sport attracts groups of young people and several organizations are forming new groups including the Khmer Climbing School, Phnom Climb Community Gym, Angkor Climbing Wall and Bayon Unique Photography & Adventure.

The most popular places to play this sport are Tmor Loy at Kirirom National Park, Kampong Trach Mountain at Kampot, Chea Lea or Phnom Baek Peang at Kampong Cham, Phnom Wall at Banteay Meanchey, Phnom Sampov and Banrang Thlak Mountain in Battambang, Poeng Jrounh, Poeng Wat Chas, Kbal Steung, Anlong Meas Waterfall in Kulen Mountain at Seim Reap Province.
Mr. Mam Sotharin, Founder Khmer Climbing School said “Kulen Mountain is the best place to expand the potential of Rock Climbing sport linked to Eco-Tourism. It is popular and spread to the youths whom like sports activities and he have ambition and desire to host an international given the named Kulen World Bouldering Festival on Kulen National Park, this festival can inspire both national and international tourists who love Rock Climbing to join”.

He added “With support from the Ministry of Tourism and the relevant authorities such as the Cambodia Climbing Federation (CCF) and in cooperation with the Khmer Climbing School, Angkor Climbing Wall and the Phnom Climb Community Gym to host this festival, he said believe that Kulen Mountain will become the most popular to attractions tourist”.
Mr. Lim Soken, Founder of Bayon Unique Photography & Adventure, Adventure photographer and who likes adventure travel said “In Cambodia, there are many other places that are still interesting and unknown, so I need to explore and research more for national and special international tourist to visit, and he also mention this a good opportunity earn some benefit for people living in the community”.
He adds “He and also local people require tourists to stay in Cambodia and specially in Siem Reap more than two days and they can visit many Eco-Tourist in Cambodia beside visit temple. Moreover, tourist are able to take adventure with Rock Climbing sports too”.
In 2019, the Cambodia Climbing Federation organised the course “South-East Asia Sport Climbing” training for members to want to become a profession trainer, Trainers who successfully graduate from this course are acknowledged by the Asian Climbing Federation.
The professional trainer who is willing to continue training for sports enthusiast’s and adventurers, focuses on the safety of the participants in terms of equipment use and the techniques of climbing up and down the ropes.
Sport Climbing, Abseiling and Tree Climbing, which have recently become popular sports for those who love nature, Camping, and the Jungle. In thinking about safety, the Cambodia Climbing Federation has authorized to Khmer Climbing School to organise the SEA Sport Climbing Courses with 3 levels: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
For more detailed information on admission requirements and lessons at each level, click here:
- Cambodian Climbing Federation: Mr. Tuy Bunhoeun, Tel: 017 455 127 and Mr. Seam Rorn, Tel: 092 336 924
- . Khmer Climbing School: Mr. Mam Sotharin and Tel: 098 791 555 or Checking Facebook Page: Khmer Climbing School
- Bayon Unique Photography & Adventure: Mr. Lim Sokhorn and Tel: 089 208 282
Photo by: Bayon Unique Photography & Adventure Mr. Lim Sokhon